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Today, the DA marched in Moqhaka Municipality in the Free State to highlight the deterioration of infrastructure and the non-existent service delivery record of the ANC-led municipality.
The DA calls for the immediate suspension of Moqhaka Municipal Manager, Mr Mncedisi Mqwathi, and that an investigation is launched into his performance as the person responsible for service delivery.
It is the third time in three years the DA has marched in this municipality over the very same issues. In some bizarre turn of events, SAMWU with the support of the ANC, SACP and COSATU marched on the municipality two weeks ago reinforcing the DA’s three yearlong call to have Mqwathi suspended.
It is also noteworthy that Moqhaka Mayor, Mr Jihad Mohapi, refused to come out and meet the DA during each march. This time, Mohapi deployed Public Safety MMC, Mr Rachere Moletsane, to accept the our memorandum.
Various service delivery failures highlighted today include:
- In Marabastad, Kroonstad, 120 people share only one unenclosed toilet.
- Sewerage flows from a manhole onto the streets and into the Vals river in Constantia.
- The deteriorating state of Kroonstad roads.
- No confidence motion brought by the DA against the Municipal Manager, that has been ignored by the ANC-led council since April 2013.
- Water disruptions due to poor maintenance of equipment and infrastructure.
338 vacant positions for labourers as per the municipality’s organogram.
Mismanagement of public funds as identified in consecutive AG reports.
The DA has been fighting for quality service delivery in Moqhaka for more than three years.
The DA remains committed to transparent and effective government, delivering quality services to all.
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