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The Democratic Alliance (DA) has secured a commitment from the Green Scorpions to investigate the defunct Renosterberg municipality, after it was caught red-handed dumping raw sewage next to the road outside of Petrusville earlier this week. See picture here.
All municipal services have come to a standstill since Renosterberg’s bank account was frozen last year, following an Eskom court order to recoup outstanding debt. The municipality has especially been neglecting its waste management responsibilities.
All but one of the six sewerage pumps is in operation. The fuel account on diesel is also far outstanding, affecting things like honeysucker services, as the municipality cannot access fuel anymore because it does not have finances. The current cash and diesel constraints may have contributed to the situation whereby the sewerage truck opted to dump its waste well short of the sewerage plant.
While Renosterberg is facing serious financial constraints, this cannot condone the actions of the collapsed municipality. The dumping of raw waste into the veld is an environmental threat that poses serious health repercussions.
The DA has been in discussions with the Municipal Manager, and we appreciate his efforts to address this matter under the very difficult circumstances faced by the municipality. Nonetheless, non-compliance to sewage disposal regulations remains a very serious offence and, regardless of the financial situation in Renosterberg, someone must be held accountable for this monumental municipal failure.
The DA hopes that recommendations or actions taken by the Green Scorpions, following their investigation and site visits in relation to the growing sewerage challenges in Renosterberg, will help to augment the pressure on all spheres of government to help address the very serious sewerage challenges facing the towns and surrounds of Vanderkloof, Philipstown and Petrusville.
Issued by Renosterberg municipality, Cllr Matt Posthumus
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