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The Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities voted in favour of the motion on the desirability of the National Youth Development Agency Amendment (NYDAA) Bill and adopted the public participation input report on the Bill.
Some committee members rejected the motion on the desirability of the Bill on the basis of a particular clause related to employment equity, which these Members were not in agreement with. Notwithstanding that, they indicated that due process was followed in dealing with the Bill.
The NYDAA Bill was introduced to Parliament by the Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities and referred to the Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities and the Joint Tagging Mechanism on 9 June 2022.
The Bill seeks to amend the National Youth Development Agency Act, 2008 (Act No 54 of 2008) in order to insert new definitions; to amend the provisions relating to the objects of the agency; and to amend provisions relating to reporting by the agency. It also seeks to provide for organs of state to assist the agency; to provide for the governance responsibilities of the Board; to provide for additional Board members; to provide that a Board member may not be reappointed for more than two consecutive terms; and to provide that Board members must submit financial disclosures. In addition, the Bill seeks to amend matters pertaining to the meetings of the Board; to amend the funding of the agency; to authorise the Minister to make regulations; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
The public participation process on the Bill began when the committee called for public submissions from 30 April 2023 until 6 June 2023. Twelve submissions were received by 6 June 2023 and two additional submissions were received after the closing date. Of the 14 written submissions received, the majority (85.7%) supported the Bill but indicated areas where provisions should be strengthened.
The Department of Women, Youth and Peoples with Disabilities responded to the submissions made to the committee in November at which concerns raised were acknowledged and the Bill was amended accordingly.
After due deliberation following the public participation process and based on all the input received and engagements on the NYDAA Bill, a motion of desirability on the subject matter was placed before the committee to vote on, as required by National Assembly Rule 286(4)(i).
Eight committee members voted in favour of the motion on the desirability of the National Youth Development Agency Amendment Bill, while two members rejected it. The committee accordingly agreed that the Bill’s subject matter is desirable and should be further considered and processed by the committee.
The committee will begin its clause-by-clause deliberation on the Bill on Tuesday, 21 November, during which the A- and B-list of the Bill will be presented.
Issued by The Chairperson of The Portfolio Committee on Women. Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Nonhlanhla Ncube-Ndaba
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