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The ANC’s vote against an investigation into consequence management and recovery of fruitless and wasteful expenditure in uMgungundlovu, is greatly disturbing.
This relates to R19m wasted, in three large contracts, attributed to contract delays, work stoppages for cash flow reasons and delays by community unrest. The DA and IFP requested an investigation into the wastage and recovery. Our request was voted down by a majority of ANC councillors and the EFF abstaining in council last week.
Despite the municipality’s financial constraints, severely restricting service delivery, ANC councillors still do not feel the need to investigate the loss of R19 m.
These funds would have gone a long way to make up for the shortcomings in service delivery, particularly water infrastructure.
The ANC would rather sweep this under the carpet to protect their personal interests and confirming their total disregard for public funds.
Issued by Councillor Hazel Lake - DA uMgungundlovu Caucus Leader
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