Highly acclaimed documentary, Plot for Peace arrives in South Africa this month off the back of a successful tour of the international circuit. This award winning film will be launched at an exclusive event hosted by the Ichikowitz Family Foundation on 24th July in celebration of 20 years of South African democracy. But is South Africa ready for it?
In attendance at the official launch will be producer and director Mandy Jacobson, founder and chairperson of the Ichikowitz Family Foundation, Ivor Ichikowitz together with featured protagonists including Jean-Yves Ollivier, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Dr Mathews Phosa and former Minister of Foreign Affairs ‘Pik’ Botha.
Winning no less than eight international awards including; Best International Feature Documentary at the 25th Galway Film Festival and the Special Jury Award at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, the film tells the secret story of Ollivier, aka ‘Monsiuer Jacques,’ who became the invisible negotiator in the fight to end apartheid in South Africa.
The production team is led by multiple Emmy award-winning, South African filmmaker Jacobson who says, “We are delighted at the reception this documentary has received internationally and cannot wait to bring it home to where it belongs.”
The much anticipated documentary will also be showcased at the renowned Durban International Film Festival and opens to the public for one week theatrical screening in August.
Seen in commercial cinemas in France, United Kingdom and Spain thus far, Plot for Peace was produced by African Oral History Archive (AOHA), a heritage preservation initiative funded by the Ichikowitz Family Foundation.
Exclusive interviews from current and former heads of state including President Joachim Chissano, former South African president Thabo Mbeki, President Denis Sassou Nguesso, and other key role players bear vivid testimony to the secret dealings that were able to secure regional peace and end the system of segregation that threatened to bring South Africa to its knees.
Ichikowitz, chairperson and founder of the Ichikowitz Family Foundation notes, “The inspiration for this film emerged from hundreds of hours of original testimony around the liberation of South Africa gathered by the AOHA and demonstrates the importance of documenting our Continent’s acclaimed and unknown history makers. It is therefore fitting that we bring it home to South Africa to celebrate 20 years of our country’s democracy.”
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