Ramaphosa hits back at DA advert that depicts burning SA flag

7th May 2024 By: Sashnee Moodley - Senior Deputy Editor Polity and Multimedia

Ramaphosa hits back at DA advert that depicts burning SA flag

President Cyril Ramaphosa

The Democratic Alliance’s (DA’s) latest political advertisement has raised the ire of President Cyril Ramaphosa who is urging political parties to uphold the dignity of South Africa’s national symbols.

The DA released a political advertisement that seemingly shows the South African flag being burned, which the party says is “a stark warning against the looming disaster of a Doomsday Coalition involving the ANC, the EFF, and other parties”.

The burning of the flag is then reversed, with the words “Unite to rescue South Africa. Vote DA” shown against the backdrop of the South African flag, whole again.

In a statement issued by the Presidency on Tuesday, it said Ramaphosa condemned the advert “in the strongest terms”.

“The President believes this depiction is desperate and inciteful and undermines the principles of democracy and unity in the midst of the national celebration of 30 Years of Freedom and the preservation of tolerance and peace in the build-up to the 29 May national and provincial elections.”

Ramaphosa called on South Africans to join the condemnation of using the flag for “political party purposes”.

He said the flag transcended political interests and was a symbol of integrity and unity.

“Our flag holds profound significance for the nation as it represents the hard-won freedoms and peace achieved through historical struggles against injustice. As government, we firmly defend the right to freedom of expression, with the expectation that this right be exercised with respect for all people and that it does not incite social upheaval or violence. To manipulate or exploit national symbols for personal or partisan gain is disrespectful and also undermines the essence of democracy and civic responsibility,” Ramaphosa said.